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Spotify To Apple Music Helper

This guide and tool helps you transfer a playlist from Spotify to Apple Music without the need to give access to your accounts just by using your browser. Just follow the steps.

  1. Open Spotify in the browser:
  2. Sign in and go to the playlist you want to transfer.
  3. Zoom out using Ctrl + - to make sure as many titles as possible are in the viewpoint.
  4. Open the browser console and run this command:
    const list = [
    ].map((r) => {
    const row = r.innerText.split("\n")
    const img = r.querySelector("img")
    return {
    number: row[0],
    track: row[2],
    author: row[3],
    cover: img ? img.src : null
    prompt("Copy this value", JSON.stringify(list))
  5. Copy the prompted code and paste it in this field:
  6. Click here: